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Happy Publication to Cashing Out

Congratulations to Julien and Kiersten Saunders for the release of their debut, CASHING OUT: Win The Wealth Game By Walking Away (Portfolio, PenguinRandomHouse)!⁠

According to this groundbreaking book on shelves (and on Good Morning America!), here’s the truth: financial freedom is within your reach, but playing by corporate America’s rules will only take you halfway there. To win, you must eventually walk away from their game—and take up an entirely different model of wealth accumulation.⁠

Julien and Kiersten Saunders overcame over $200k of debt by restructuring conversations about money and focusing on their end goals. They did both of these things while simultaneously strengthening their marriage and family. The key to their success? Proper prioritization of budgeting, flexibility, knowing when it’s right to leave your job, and other innovative tactics for monetary stability.

CASHING OUT is a roadmap to financial freedom despite a broken system. ⁠

Watch the full GMA interview here.

Here’s a photo of Lucinda celebrating with the authors!

CASHING OUT is available NOW wherever books are sold!