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In the Media

  • How to Write A Book, Step by Step

    In a piece for Fast Company titled “How to Write A Book, Step by Step”, Lucinda walks readers through her actionable steps for finding the book you were born to write and turning it into a book that will appeal to agents and publishers alike.

  • The Secret Rules and Most Common Myths Writers Should Know About Querying Literary Agents

    Literary agent Lucinda Halpern shares the secret rules and most common myths writers should know about querying literary agents and finding success as traditionally published authors.

  • How to Land a Book Deal with Agent & Author Lucinda Halpern: Part Two

    President of Manhattan-based literary agency Lucinda Literary turned author, Lucinda Halpern, returns to [chat] about how to crack the code of publishing, the four types of writers who get book deals, and her latest book Get Signed: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author.

  • How A Literary Agent Turns Entrepreneurs Into Authors And Thought Leaders

    Entrepreneurs who haven’t previously published a book might want to consider the benefits of writing a book, especially one that introduces a novel, “big” idea. Although there is plenty of work involved in the writing process, the greater reward is well worth the time spent. A book positions you to be an expert in your field—it elevates your authority, credibility and your brand. Further, a book expands your earning potential by drawing in new customers and through speaking opportunities, which can be far more lucrative than book sales by themselves.

  • Lucinda Halpern – Get Signed: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author

    In this week’s episode Marissa chats with literary agent, coach, and now author, Lucinda Halpern, about her new book, GET SIGNED: FIND AN AGENT, LAND A BOOK DEAL, AND BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR. Also discussed in this jam-packed episode: the varied job of representing authors, why the query letter is the most important document a writer will ever create, the three keys to getting an agent and a subsequent book deal (and how you may not need all three), BIG ideas, how agents also have to face rejection, common errors made in query letters, the reminder that agents are humans, and so much more!

  • Lucinda Halpern, GET SIGNED: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author

    Zibby interviews New York literary agent Lucinda Halpern about GET SIGNED, an incredibly helpful guide to elevating your storytelling, creating a timeless book, and launching your dream career. After describing her journey in the industry and demystifying the role of a literary agent, she delves into the evolving landscape of book publishing. She covers the importance of finding the right agent, crafting effective query letters, doing extensive market research, and building your own digital platform. If you’re an aspiring writer, you’ll gain actionable strategies and a renewed sense of confidence!

  • Agent Lucinda Halpern Explains What Agents Are Looking For

    Working with an experienced agent can help a writer improve their books and get them published, but before signing with an agent, you need to have a Big Idea, clear title concept, and other key elements, in your work and pitch, that will make your book an “easy get,” says renowned agent and author Lucinda Halpern.

  • In this Q&A session with Book Notions, Lucinda Halpern discusses and shares new Information about Upcoming Book Related News including the reasons behind why she chose to write Get Signed, and when she felt was the right time to be published.

  • How to Write a Book That Sells to the Masses

    It begins with finding the right agent! Some of the topics discussed during this interview were: what a literary agent does, how a literary agent is involved in the book idea process, what agents are looking for, where authors struggle, and more!

  • In this episode Bill Horan talks with Lucinda Halpern, author of GET SIGNED. Lucinda will discuss how to evaluate a literary agent, how an agent helps pick the right title for a book, what are some of the myths about agents and getting a book published, and what should an author expect an agent to do.

  • Lucinda Halpern of Lucinda Literary Recommends…

    To capture an agent’s or publisher’s attention with your query letter, begin with the end in mind. The best queries irrefutably answer the most critical question for any book published today: Why should someone pay up to $28 for your book? With this end result in mind, you can reverse-engineer: First identify, then highlight the key components of your book that will stop a reader (or agent!) in their tracks. In your query letter, describe your book as you would in its description on Amazon. (No matter what an agency’s guidelines say, there is no tool more proven to sell books than Amazon.)

  • How to Find an Agent and Turn Your Big Idea into a Book Deal with Lucinda Halpern

    In this episode, Lucinda discusses how to:

    Understand the benefits of traditional and self-publishing to make an informed decision about your book’s future.
    Learn how to navigate the process of finding the right literary agent to represent your work effectively.
    Master the art of crafting a compelling query letter that captures the attention of literary agents and publishers.
    Explore strategies for building a strong author platform to effectively market your book and connect with readers.
    Discover techniques for writing memoirs with universal appeal that resonate with a wide audience.

  • Interview with Co-Agent Kate Rizzo About International Rights

    Kate Rizzo, co-agent shares insights on the role as a role as a co-agent in the foreign rights market, and shares insights on how to identify successful books and find the right translators. Kate emphasized the importance of understanding European markets and author expertise, as well as working closely with publishers to find appealing books for translation.

    As Lucinda and Kate spoke, we knew we’d want to share this interview with our community.

  • How to Find an Agent and a Book Deal: PBS “Next Avenue”

    Have something new to say, prove that you can draw an audience and learn to write an irresistible query letter. I often hear from readers who want to publish a book, but they don’t know how to begin the process. The good news is that there’s never been a better time to get your words into print. During this interview, Lucinda shares actionable steps that you can start taking to help you find an agent and a book deal.

  • Lucinda Halpern – Get Signed: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author

    In this week’s episode Marissa chats with literary agent, coach, and now author, Lucinda Halpern, about her new book, GET SIGNED: FIND AN AGENT, LAND A BOOK DEAL, AND BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR. Also discussed in this jam-packed episode: the varied job of representing authors, why the query letter is the most important document a writer will ever create, the three keys to getting an agent and a subsequent book deal (and how you may not need all three), BIG ideas, how agents also have to face rejection, common errors made in query letters, the reminder that agents are humans, and so much more!

  • Lucinda Halpern, GET SIGNED: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author

    Zibby interviews New York literary agent Lucinda Halpern about GET SIGNED, an incredibly helpful guide to elevating your storytelling, creating a timeless book, and launching your dream career. After describing her journey in the industry and demystifying the role of a literary agent, she delves into the evolving landscape of book publishing. She covers the importance of finding the right agent, crafting effective query letters, doing extensive market research, and building your own digital platform. If you’re an aspiring writer, you’ll gain actionable strategies and a renewed sense of confidence!

  • Ask An Expert: Lucinda Halpern

    Lucinda was recently profiled by Publishers Lunch in a piece called “Ask An Expert: Lucinda Halpern”. Besides giving her usual valuable insight on querying and platform-building, she spills some behind-the-scenes secrets about her career in publishing as well as what she has learned as an author that she didn’t know before as an agent.

  • Want to Get Your Own Book Published? Lucinda Halpern Is Here to Help

    In a profile for Her Campus Media, an online magazine aimed at Gen Z college students, Lucinda shared her best tips for those dreaming of seeing their book in the world as well as advice for those wishing to break into publishing.

  • Keys to Getting Your Book Published

    Agents help you find a publisher. But how do you know when you’re ready for that? Or the steps to becoming published? President and Founder of Lucinda Literary, Lucinda Halpern shares the keys to getting published and answers key questions about agents, books, and how to use them to grow your business.

  • Prepare for Publishing with Insights from Literary Agent Lucinda Halpern

    Literary agent Lucinda Halpern prepares us to navigate the industry and prepare for publishing. With her insights, we’ll position our project—and ourselves as authors—to pitch agents and get noticed.

  • Getting answers to common questions about publishing and publicists.

    Lucinda Halpern sat down on the podcast “Leveraging Thought Leadership” with Peter Winick and Bill Sherman to break down a number of myths about the book publishing industry.

  • Three Ways to Publish Your Book: Traditional, Independent, Hybrid

    You’re about to write a book to promote your business, or you’ve just written it. You know there are at least 10 ways your book will help you grow your enterprise. Now, the next question arises: Should you publish it traditionally, self-publish or go hybrid?

  • Myth-Busting Book Publishing with Agent Lucinda Halpern

    President and Founder of Manhattan-based agency Lucinda Literary, Lucinda Halpern, gave me an insider’s take on why literary agents can’t just be deal-makers anymore.

  • Four Tips For Successful Book Promotion

    An author and a publicist provide four tips about promoting books.

  • My Book is on Submission with Publishers. Now What?

    What do you do once you’re done submitting a book to potential publishers? Here are four productive activities you can use while you await responses.

  • A Conversation with literary agent Lucinda Halpern

    I recently had the pleasure of connecting with Lucinda Halpern, owner of Manhattan-based literary management firm Lucinda Literary, and I wanted to introduce her to you.

  • What Does a Literary Agent Do

    Some of the biggest questions for authors who want to traditionally publish is, Will I find an agent to represent my book? What, specifically, does an agent do? And if I want one, how do I best position myself for success?

  • Literary Agent Lucinda Halpern on Common Query Mistakes

    Today’s guest is Lucinda Halpern of Lucinda Literary, whose strong background in marketing and broad media and film relationships enable us the firm to be strategists and advocates not just for books, but for the long-term careers of their authors.

  • Meet NYC literary agent Lucinda Halpern

    Discover how to get back into the swing of writing when you’re unmotivated.

  • 4 Ways to Find a Book Agent

    It’s not uncommon for writers to dream about having their own agent help sell their manuscript to a big publishing house. What is the best way to find an agent for your book?

  • Meet NYC literary agent Lucinda Halpern

    Meet NYC literary agent Lucinda Halpern. Discover how to get back into the swing of writing when you’re unmotivated.

  • Literary Agent Lucinda Halpern On Common Query Mistakes

    Today’s guest is Lucinda Halpern of Lucinda Literary, whose strong background in marketing and broad media and film relationships enable us the firm to be strategists and advocates not just for books, but for the long-term careers of their authors.

  • Five Awesome Female Literary Agents

    In this edition of the 5×5 series, we asked 5 female literary agents 5 questions. Who better to speak about books than the people that get them published?

  • Three Things Your Query Letter Need to stand out

    Today we have a guest post on writing a query letter from literary agent Lucinda Halpern. I realize many of our readers are indie authors or plan to publish independently. But these rules are important for any kind of query: to a reviewer, editor or blogger as well.

  • A Literary Agent’s Advice for Book-Writing Entrepreneurs

    This is a guest post by my friend Lucinda Halpern, head of Lucinda Literary. Lucinda is a literary agent. That means she gets writers book deals with traditional publishing houses. Trust me, she’s no slouch. She’s gotten some pretty amazing deals for some friends of mine.

  • How to Work with Literary Agents

    Hello Rebels, welcome to episode 152 of The Rebel Author Podcast. Today, I’m talking to Lucinda Halpern all about how to work with literary agents.

To book Lucinda for a speaking event or interview, click here.

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