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Omar Abed

Author of The Book That Almost Rhymed (Penguin Group)

Entrepreneur and Writer

Omar Abed is a Palestinian-American entrepreneur who wrote computer code for ten years before self-publishing his first picture book, You, Me, and a Tree, as a love letter to his wife. He writes fiction to engage both children and adults, hoping to strengthen those family bonds in ways that only a shared story can. In his spare time, Omar volunteers as a local basketball coach. He lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and newborn son. His forthcoming book with illustrator Hatem Aly, The Book That Almost Rhymed (Penguin Group Summer 2024), follows one boy’s attempt to tell a story in rhyme despite repeated interruptions from his younger sister, who twists the story in new (and absurd!) directions. He also has another publication, Debug This Book, forthcoming from Caitlyn Dough Books in Fall 2024.


Dial Books, March 26, 2024