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Susan Peirce Thompson

Susan Peirce Thompson

New York Times Bestselling Author of Bright Line Eating (Hay House)

Neuroscientist, Founder & CEO of Bright Line Eating

Dr. Thompson is the New York Times bestselling author of Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin, and Free (Hay House). Her new book, The Official Bright Line Eating Cookbook: Weight Loss Made Simple (Hay House), released in October, 2019. She is a NISOD Excellence Award winner for outstanding contributions and leadership. In 2015, Dr. Thompson helped found the Institute for Sustainable Weight Loss, a non-profit foundation whose mission is to conduct and disseminate research on the science of effective and sustainable weight loss. She is also the founder and CEO of Bright Line Eating Solutions, LLC, dedicated to creating a world that gives anyone who is truly ready to lose excess weight and keep it off long-term a road-map that ensures their success.

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Keynote Lecture Topics

  • The Science of Willpower

    Woven with personal insights and anecdotes, this lecture is a romp through the history of several fascinating psychology experiments. Dr. Thompson discusses how we can increase our resistance to willpower depletion and how it affects every area of our lives. People who employ self-regulation skills earn more, are less likely to end up in jail, are more likely to stay married, feel better about themselves and live happy, fulfilling, productive lives. Susan leaves attendees with a practical implementation plan for improving willpower and overall quality of life. People emerge feeling energized, awestruck, hopeful, and motivated to take very simple steps to immediately improve their quality of life.

  • The Science of Sustainable Weight Loss

    Everybody wants to be trim and fit. Billions of dollars are spent each year in the quest, but practically no one is succeeding. Why not? What is going on here? Why is long-term sustainable weight loss such an elusive target? Why can’t we get lean and stay that way, despite the fact that there’s nothing we want more? The brain is blocking us from losing weight, and until we retrain it to work in our favor, no amount of money, effort, desire, or action is going to help. In this lecture, Dr. Thompson outlines the true science of sustainable weight loss and leaves participants among the 0.01% most educated people in the world on this critical and misunderstood subject.

  • The Science of Human Connection

    We believe if we made twice as much money, we would be so much happier. But the truth is that the road to happiness is paved with connections to other human beings. The behaviors and activities that make this possible center around the new science of human connection. Interactions with other people change our physiology down to our genes. This lecture outlines simple steps we can take to improve our lives and presents a radical new framework for human connection that Dr. Thompson unpacks at the cellular, biological, and physiological levels, leaving everyone feeling hopeful and more connected.

Susan Peirce Thompson travels from Rochester, NY.


Praise for Bright Line Eating

The New York Times Bestseller, Hay House, March 21, 2017

“This book is not like anything else out there. Not even close. Dr. Thompson has illuminated the reasons why so many of us are so addicted to today’s food supply and why obesity is so common. Most importantly, she outlines the path to freedom, thinness, and health. This book is based not only on the personal experiences of thousands, but also backed up by solid brain science that has never been presented like this before.”

—Christiane Northrup, New York Times best-selling author of Goddesses Never Age

Bright Line Eating provides a groundbreaking perspective on persistent, undiagnosable weight-loss issues.”

—Mark Hyman, M.D., director, Cleveland Center for Functional Medicine and #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Blood Sugar Solution

“I absolutely love the Bright Line Eating philosophy! It is totally consistent with everything I’ve learned about helping people change behavior. This is a book I would recommend to anyone who wants to lose weight or change their relationship with food.”

—Marshall Goldsmith, Ph.D., #1 New York Times best-selling author of Triggers

The Official Bright Line Eating Cookbook: Weight Loss Made Simple

Hay House, October 22, 2019

Rezoom: The Powerful Reframe to End the Crash-and-Burn Cycle of Food Addiction

Hay House, December 28, 2021