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Author archive: Lucinda

  • 5 Signs Your Memoir Has Traditional Publishing Potential

    Memoir is an art that Lucinda Literary cares deeply about, but the marketplace is difficult to break through. We’ve seen and considered hundreds of memoirs…

  • Meet Our Newest Agent at Lucinda Literary

    We welcomed Roseanne to Lucinda Literary at the start of the year, and couldn’t be happier to have her on board. Recently, Lucinda spoke with…

  • Why We’re Grateful for 2021

    2021 has been an incredible year of growth at Lucinda Literary. We’ve brought on new agents, we’ve diversified our list, we’ve launched so many new…

  • Let’s Chat: Take Our Survey!

    It’s a wintry day in Manhattan. Imagine you and one of our agents are meeting near the famous Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center over a…

  • Recent Deal: BUILT DIFFERENTLY by Dawn Dickson-Akpoghene (Portfolio)

    Serial entrepreneur Dawn Dickson-Akpoghene’s BUILT DIFFERENTLY: An Outlier’s Guide to Building a Multi-Million Dollar Business on Your Own Terms,  BUILT DIFFERENTLY is a guide for entrepreneurs hoping…

  • Recent Deal: Dangerous Ones by Shawn Kanungo

    In DANGEROUS ONES: The Dynamic Power of Being Disruptive, globally recognized innovation strategist, Shawn Kanungo—whom Forbes called the “Best Virtual Keynote Speaker I’ve Ever Seen”—gives readers the…

  • Selling Your Novel

    On Thursday, December 9th, we’re planning something special for fiction writers: a fireside chat with Lucinda’s new friend, author Stan Parish. This will be an informative…

  • Recent Deal: Raising Hell, Living Well by Jess Davis

    A debut by reformed brand strategist and founder of Folk Rebellion Jess Elefante Davis, RAISING HELL, LIVING WELL: Freedom From Influence in a World Where…

  • Lucinda’s Interview with Forbes Magazine

    Recently, Lucinda sat down with Melissa Houston, ForbesWomen contributor. In her interview, Lucinda explores the process of turning entrepreneurs, who may have never thought of…

  • How to Choose Comps for Your Book

    First, a moment of gratitude for you: this blog has become so special to us because we get to share winning strategies, stories from the…

  • Stop Thinking Small

    Many of you are dreaming about a book deal, but haven’t yet dared to consider the possibility of a bestseller. First things first… But if you’re…

  • Recent Deal: MoneyZen by Manisha Thakor

    Harvard MBA graduate, consultant, and podcaster Manisha Thakor‘s MONEYZEN: FREE YOURSELF FROM THE CULT OF MONEY takes a joy-based-spending approach to help people achieve “MoneyZen”….