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Book Jacket of The Week: The Productivity Project

Our Book Jacket of The Week is Chris Bailey’s The Productivity Project – out this week in paperback from Crown Business! We love the catchy but soothing color scheme, as well as the clear prints that speak with utmost confidence. Most importantly, we think it matches perfectly to the author’s penchant for clarity. However, while we’re vouching for the cover, we think you should dive into what’s inside for an even more rewarding and educational experience! Check out what others have to say on THE PRODUCTIVITY PROJECT, and be sure to follow the author @ALOProductivity.

“Chris Bailey has tackled the daunting task of personally experimenting with any and every technique you can imagine that could positively affect your productivity. His dedication to the project and his intelligent conclusions, combined with his candor and articulateness, make this a fun, interesting, and useful read!” — David Allen, author of Getting Things Done

“Here’s a book that promises, in the title, to pay for itself. And, the truth is, it will, in just a few days. And you’ll even enjoy the journey.” — Seth Godin, author of Linchpin

“Chris Bailey might be the most productive man you’d ever hope to meet.” — TED Blog

“So often we get stuck just doing what we have always done, even if it’s not really working. This book helps you cut through all the productivity advice out there to find and test what really works for you.” — Shawn Achor, positive psychology researcher and author of The Happiness Advantage

“Chris doesn’t just want you to be more productive. He wants you to live a better life. This book is a two-hour ticket to not only becoming more productive, but becoming genuinely happier.” — Neil Pasricha, author of The Book of Awesome and The Happiness Equation

“Chris has written the ultimate guidebook for setting your life on fire. Read it, and you’ll not only get more done, you’ll feel better about it too.” — Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It

Chris Bailey wrote over 216,000 words on the subject of productivity on his blog,, during a year long productivity project where he conducted intensive research, as well as dozens of productivity experiments on himself to discover how to become as productive as possible. To date, he has written hundreds of articles on the subject, and has garnered coverage in media as diverse as The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, New York magazine, TED, Fast Company, Real Simple and Lifehacker.

Follow Chris on Twitter and purchase a copy of The Productivity Project here, here, or here!