One of my favorite author success stories to share is that of Dr. Mary Anderson, our first student to get signed with a Literary agent at Lucinda Literary and also secure a deal with one of the Big Five publishers. Dr. Mary, as we affectionately call her, came to write a book the same way many aspiring authors do: the book she yearned for simply didn’t exist.
As a psychologist who counsels high-achieving, anxious patients—from overworked physicians and burned-out accountants to executives with failing family relationships and chronically on-edge students—Dr. Mary knew the struggles of driven individuals. She believed these individuals suffered from unique cognitive distortions fueling their anxiety.
After years of teaching science-based strategies to help her clients find peace of mind without losing their drive, she thought, There must be a book I can recommend. But when she searched, she couldn’t find one. That’s when her author success story began.
Dr. Mary knew she was out of her comfort zone. She understood very little about the book-writing process and felt the weight of her own high expectations. Fortunately, through a series of introductions she likened to “Dorothy walking down the yellow brick road,” she found her way to Lucinda Literary’s online master class, Get Signed.
This program provided her with the tools and guidance she needed, focusing on the three keys that literary agents teaching courses emphasize:
Dr. Mary refined her big idea—that high-achievers face unique challenges and need tailored solutions. She identified a clear gap in the market: while many self-help books address anxiety, none specifically targeted high-achievers at a time when mental health concerns are at an all-time high.
With practice and coaching, Dr. Mary grew confident in her pitch. She experimented with social media, began speaking publicly, and wrote for publications. She also crafted a website that positioned her as an accomplished psychologist and teacher—someone approachable, relatable, and knowledgeable.
Dr. Mary’s journey wasn’t without challenges. Just as she prepared to take an important meeting for her book, her father passed away. Instead of taking the important meeting, she found herself on a plane across the country for his funeral. When she returned, she was grieving but determined to honor her father’s legacy and her dream.
Putting her perfectionism aside, Dr. Mary pushed through rounds of feedback and critique. She worked diligently on her query letter—a skill she developed through Lucinda Literary’s teachings—and finally felt ready to share her pitch with agents.
It wasn’t long before Dr. Mary successfully managed to meet with a literary agent who recognized the brilliance and timeliness of her book idea. From there, she secured a publishing deal with a Big Five publisher. The book that once felt like a distant dream became a reality and her author success story was complete.
Today, Dr. Mary’s book has been translated into multiple languages, and there are talks of a television adaptation. Her speaking and writing career has flourished, helping her impact far more people globally than she ever could in her local practice.
Learn more about the Dr. Mary Anderson here, order her new book, and follow her on Instagram.
Like Dr. Mary Anderson, your story deserves to be told. Whether you’re a psychologist, entrepreneur, or creative writer, the right guidance can make all the difference. Don’t wait for the book you want to read—write it.
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