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“The Secret Rules and Most Common Myths Writers Should Know About Querying Literary Agents”,

In a piece for Writer’s Digest titled “The Secret Rules and Most Common Myths Writers Should Know About Querying Literary Agents”, Lucinda shares her tips and tricks (and debunks common myths) for querying an agent and getting one step closer to finding success in traditional publishing:

Don’t take a guess at genre or “comps” if you’re at all unsure.

No writer, even the most seasoned, is certain about how your book will be categorized, or what comparative titles an agent or publisher will envision for it. Lower your risk of getting it wrong by tailoring your comps and genre to meet the agency’s interests. This tactic demonstrates that you’ve done your research!

Never contact an agent directly unless their submissions page says so.

In a moment, I’ll reveal that whatever you’re told, finding a direct e-mail to an agent is a more effective route to ensure your query actually gets a look.

Don’t follow up. An agent will always reach out to you if interested.

One can hope! But hope isn’t a strategy. Agents may only see your query the second time. Experiment with new subject lines, or an update if your proposal or manuscript is under review with other agents, or you have recently published an article in a notable publication, amassed a larger social media following, obtained the endorsement of a fellow author. There are so many ways to be creative. Don’t have any of this to share? For an agent you admire, write a simple love letter. Confirm your query landed in the first place.

You can find the full article here. 

Content from Get Signed by Lucinda Halpern (All Rights Reserved). Order your copy today for more advice on how to get published!


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