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Recent Deal: Black Girls Must Die Exhausted by Jayne Allen

We’re thrilled to announce author and serial entrepreneur Jayne Allen’s four-book deal for the BLACK GIRLS MUST DIE EXHAUSTED series and her forthcoming novel THE EXCHANGE to HarperCollins.

BLACK GIRLS MUST DIE EXHAUSTED follows Tabitha, a successful Black woman in her 30’s whose carefully laid-out life plan veers off track due to infertility issues. Following this unwelcome surprise, Tabitha begins a personal quest to reclaim her own version of life and success before more unexpected shocks come her way. In her standalone book, THE EXCHANGE, two women undergo an apartment swap and end up swapping so much more as a result, highlighting how one simple change of pace can lead to self-discovery and satisfaction.

Described by Allen as “the epitaph of my 30’s,” her series serves as a love letter to Black women and those who struggle to get what they deserve. Written in candid, comical and compassionate prose, her work strives to illuminate upon the hardships of black women while simultaneously uplifting and encouraging them to find their own definition of success. 

BLACK GIRLS MUST DIE EXHAUSTED and THE EXCHANGE were sold to Amy Baker with Sarah Ried editing for Harper Paperbacks, in a four-book deal, in a preempt for US Commercial Rights. For translation rights, please contact Linda Kaplan.

Follow Jayne Allen on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.