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Support Your Writing Career (and Books) In an Uncertain World

From bookstore and library closures, to authors canceling book tours, writers can feel like they’re navigating an uncertain world right now. But it is in these circumstances that all of us rely on authors and content creators for their storytelling ability—whether to provide levity and relief, or to lead and guide us.

We’re happy to assure you that agents are still selling and publishers are still buying, even if all of us are readjusting to a (temporarily) slower pace. This proves there’s all the more reason to write, query, and put out content at this time. But what are some of the ways authors are taking advantage of the current situation?

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With kids staying home from school, several children’s authors have stepped up to support learning from home. Children’s book author Mo Willems is hosting a live lunch & draw video series. And a group of authors (including Julie Lythcott-Haims, Cara Natterson, Lori Gottlieb, and more) have created a webinar for parents, giving practical advice on how to discuss and cater to children’s safety needs, whether toddlers or college students, at this time. Jennifer Garner and Amy Adams have also launched Save With Stories, reading books to help fundraise for children impacted by school closures.

If you’re a business leader, consider ways you can offer guidance on how to support small businesses or on what companies can do to help their employees. For example, Morra Aarons-Mele speaks with CEO Jerry Colonna and business psychologist Camille Preston in a podcast interview on how to lead teams through stressful times and cope with uncertainty by taking on a growth mindset.

Taking the opportunity to promote your ideas in relation to the current situation will bring attention to your book or brand— whether that’s from readers, agents, or publishers.

To further your efforts within the world of publishing, there are meaningful actions you can take to support authors and bookstores. Publishers Weekly can help you get started with 10 ways to support your local and indie bookstores, from subscribing to bookstore newsletters, to ordering beyond what you see on shelves, to donating your books to the Book Industry Charitable Foundation. Also be sure to shout-out your favorite authors on social media, especially if they have new books releasing soon!

We encourage you to keep sharing your brilliant ideas and contribute to supporting books, especially in these unprecedented times. Stay safe, and keep creating!