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The One Big Thing You’re Not Telling Us In Your Query Letter

We’ve just launched a series of “letter better” workshops and personal consultations as a way to touch more authors in 2020. Already, we are blown away by what we’ve heard from you in these first interactions. There are so many false insights and resources out there, confusing writers and pointing them in opposite and conflicting directions. How can anyone make sense of it all, without a personal connection to an established author, editor, or agent?

True, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But maybe not as much as you think. There are easy tips and tricks for summoning bestselling appeal…even as a complete unknown.

The number one myth we hear? That agents don’t want to know who you are—unless you’re famous. They’re not interested in your first book, if it was self-published or sold little. They’re not interested in your day job, if it has nothing to do with your novel.

We can tell you, for agents at Lucinda Literary, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. We want to know who or what inspired you, influenced you…especially if your day job gives you expertise in an area, and you’ll use this expertise to inform your characters and make your scenes come alive for readers the way an outsider, well, couldn’t. We want to hear your vision for marketing yourself, because you’ve proved it, haven’t you? By engaging some small or large audience of people? We want to know how editorially open you are, because this is a lifetime partnership.

And we want to know this briefly, succinctly—so we can hear more about the story you’re pitching.

What other myths can we bust for you?

See when our next workshops are open for registration here. We can also offer a recording for those who can’t attend. Happy lettering!