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Lucinda Literary Challenge Kickoff!

There’s a reason that most New Year’s resolutions are dead in the water by February: it’s extremely difficult to self-motivate and self-discipline. Writing a book may be the most important thing in the world to you, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to make progress. Even if you have a teacher, a coach, or a writing group keeping you accountable, it’s crucial to create your own assignments and deadlines.

To get you started, Lucinda Literary is running a free week-long challenge in which three winners will receive our detailed feedback on their query letters and sample chapters, accelerating their chances of representation. From Monday 8/29 until Friday 9/2, we will give you a daily challenge that you can complete and share with on social media. The more challenges you complete, the more your name will be entered into our pool.

The Lucinda Literary Challenge will not only give you the chance to receive expert feedback, but it will also connect you with other aspiring authors and encourage you to make tangible progress on your book.

All you have to do to be eligible to compete is subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn, and tag two friends (different each time) with each challenge you post. Expect our first challenge in your inbox at 9am Monday!