An interactive audio guide to applying the science behind meditation and mindfulness to become more productive.
The transformative powers of “intentional imagining”, and how to use it to fulfill your life’s goals.
Tips on escaping the traditional 9-5 grind faster than ever.
A complex tale of male friendship and mystery set over the course of a canoeing trip on the Maskwa River in Northern Canada.
A counterintuitive and refreshing approach to staying small in business.
A raw and reflective memoir about the wisdom gained during a year without shopping and how one can adopt a more minimal lifestyle.
Our focus has never been more scarce or at risk, so we love the jacket’s bold color scheme that says, “pay attention to this book.”
Insights for authors who love public speaking, believe they have a unique and insightful talk to offer, and wish to learn how to better navigate the speaking world.
We love the catchy but soothing color scheme, as well as the clear prints that speak with utmost confidence.
We were overjoyed to see Susan at her book launch event at Middle Collegiate Church in New York City, attended by almost 800 people, where Susan rocked the stage to a long standing ovation.
Adding to our multi-pronged literary and marketing approach, our Speakers Bureau features distinct voices in literature who inspire audiences and facilitate progressive thought and conversation.
We love the final cover art, which showcases an orange sketch of Leo Tolstoy sporting blue spectacles.