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Fiction Writers: Get Your Pitch Critiqued LIVE

Agents hear hundreds – yes hundreds! – of pitches every year. So what happens when you finally get an agent or publisher’s attention and you have to pitch your work in just a couple of sentences? Do you freeze up? Or worse – ramble on, losing their interest? 

We’re here to help. The first thing to nail down is the difference between a pitch and a query letter. A query letter is normally around a page and does the following: 

  1. Identifies the genre of your work that ideally matches the agent’s interests.
  2. Identifies who you are and a clear audience for your book.
  3. Highlights the most dramatic or commercial and new elements of your story.
  4. Alludes to the greater promise of reading your book.
  5. Offers relevant and useful “comps,” or comparative titles.

A pitch, on the other hand, is closer to a paragraph and is designed to immediately hook an agent or publisher in just a few short sentences. A pitch should address the following:

  1. What’s your big idea? How is this poised to break out?
  2. Is your book timely? Can you speak to the market for this kind of work?
  3. How is it different from what’s already out there?

When you touch upon these three points in your pitch, you’ll be better poised to succinctly narrow down the greater takeaway of your book in just a few lines. And by using these questions and strategies, you can better set up the next step for conversation and get one step closer to landing that book deal.

If you’re a fiction writer and want to make sure you’re hitting all the right chords, you can get your  book pitch critiqued LIVE by Lucinda Literary agents Connor Eck, Roseanne Wells, and Lauren Bittrich in  our first-ever Fiction Speed Pitch event.

In this event, taking place via Zoom on June 29th at 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm ET, you’ll have the opportunity to receive instant feedback from Lucinda Literary agents on how to improve your pitch & effectively capture the attention of agents and publishers.

At the end, our agents will also answer any questions you have about pitching and publishing fiction! And as a bonus, you’ll also leave with a one-sheet filled with best practices and tips on improving your pitch.

We plan to keep this event intimate, so spaces are extremely limited to allow each participant ample time for feedback. 


Connor, Roseanne, and Lauren hope to see you there!