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Lucinda Literary Challenge, Day Five: Writing

As our week-long challenge comes to an end, it’s time to talk about the writing itself. One might think that publishing would be all about writing, but as you’ve seen, there’s a lot more that goes into the process of getting a book deal. That doesn’t mean that the writing isn’t crucial, though. It’s one of the three elements of a successful book: a big idea, an irrefutable platform, and captivating writing (you only need two!).

Stellar writing should sing with your unique, consistent voice, but our specific writing recommendations depend on genre. For example, if you’re writing a memoir, remember that this must appeal to a wide audience; make sure to connect your personal experience to a larger message. If you’re writing fiction, don’t sacrifice plot for description—keep the momentum going. If you’re writing self-help, make sure that you are incorporating scenes where real-life characters are putting your theories into practice.

You’ve made so much progress this week with your goals, comps, pitch, and VCO; today, go back to your craft itself. Set aside some time for writing—this can be three hours or five minutes—and share with us one sentence you’ve written. This small amount of accountability will help keep you on track, because we’re rooting you on. Once this challenge ends, we advise you keep up this accountability with a writing group or self-imposed deadlines.

We’re eager to read your writing! Simply post your sentence on InstagramTwitter, or LinkedIn and use the hashtag #LucindaLiteraryChallenge. And remember, this will count as one entry towards our prize of expert feedback on your query letter and sample chapter.