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Lucinda’s Interview on The Writer Files


Lucinda was recently featured as a guest on Kelton Reid’s popular podcast The Writer Files: Writing, Productivity, Creativity, and Neuroscience, in a 2-part interview, to discuss her upcoming book Get Signed. 

In Part One, Lucinda debunks common misconceptions about book publishing, and “eating, sleeping and breathing” her clients and authors and why it’s so important to build that connection between agent and author:

Lucinda: It’s so intimate for our authors; having a book is like birthing a baby!…It gets that much care and that much attention that…it’s so important to find someone that cares as deeply as the author does. 

In Part Two: Lucinda shares her tips and tricks on how to land a book deal, even before your manuscript is done:

Lucinda: If you’re writing a book, tell everyone you’re writing a book. The instinct is ‘I’m gonna keep this close to the vest and I’m not gonna tell anyone…what if it never gets published’…In fact, if you tell everyone you’re writing a book, chances are, you’ll connect with someone who can help you! 

You can listen to the insightful, informative, and funny podcast here. 


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