Recently, Lucinda sat down with Melissa Houston, ForbesWomen contributor. In her interview, Lucinda explores the process of turning entrepreneurs, who may have never thought of writing a book, into authors and thought leaders. Read below for some of her best tips for breaking into the literary world.
A literary agent, or a good one, isn’t just looking to broker a deal. She is looking at the lifetime career, and what will elevate both you and her reputation in terms of the personal relationships she maintains with publishers. When you sign with an agent, the chances of selling your book skyrocket. The best agents put months of effort into developing your book before it is ever sold, and once it is, can spend years advising and advocating for you.
Because a literary agent has their finger on the pulse of the book market, they understand what publishers are looking for and have an instinct for emerging trends. But more, they’re serving to protect an author’s interests at every step of the process. Certain agents, like those at Lucinda Literary, are especially versed in working with larger teams, ensuring that your book fits into the bigger picture: your brand, online business, or larger career strategy.
Your story itself isn’t what’s most important.
Before approaching an agent, be prepared to demonstrate an engaged audience and a compelling topic for your book. A few questions to ask yourself:
- Am I the best person to be writing this book?
- Is now the right time for it?
- When my book sits on the shelf next to others, how will mine be different?
You don’t need to be a great writer.
Many entrepreneurs and business authors use collaborators and ghostwriters who are trained writers to heavily assist with their books, allowing their time to be focused on book promotion and the day-to-day of running their businesses. Your agent can help with the writer selection process, too.
Partnering with a literary agent is a great first step toward determining a sellable idea and creating the strongest book possible. And while there’s an art to catching the eye of a literary agent, which Lucinda teaches in her workshops program, when you do ultimately land an agent, you’re already on your way to the next tier.