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Recent Deal: Rich and Regular by Julien and Kiersten Saunders

RICH AND REGULAR: How We Defied the Odds to Become Financially Independent and Live Life On Our Own Terms is the inspirational, self-help memoir by the writers behind the popular, award-winning website rich & REGULAR. Julien and Kiersten Saunders reveal through narrative storytelling the powerful ripple effect that money has on every relationship in our lives.

RICH AND REGULAR, the book, is the story of a regular couple who overcame their differences and broke out of debt to pioneer a unique path to financial freedom—all while preserving their marriage. From a distinctly African-American perspective it explores the cultural covenant to “lift as you climb” and the social pressure to uphold the image of “black excellence,” ideals that have inspired upward mobility, but have also lead to a burnout epidemic. RICH AND REGULAR offers a vital glimpse into the unique experiences of communities of color through the lens of FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early).

This proposal was sold in a preempt to Leah Trowbourst at Portfolio, an imprint of PenguinRandomHouse.

Follow Julien and Kiersten Saunders on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

Julien and Kiersten with Lucinda just a few hours before the book deal came to be.