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Special Announcement: Our First Get Signed Student Gets a Book Deal with the Big Five

We have an extremely special publishing success story to share with you today—that of Dr. Mary, as we came to affectionately call her, one of the very first graduates of our publishing course, Get Signed.

An openness, energy, and a specific vision emanated from Mary from the very moment we met as she discussed the inspiration for her book: the many high-achieving professionals she regularly counseled in her psychology practice that came to her seeking balance and fulfillment, but didn’t want to lose their edge—the very ambition that had established them at the top of their fields in the first place. Dr. Mary had developed a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) based methodology to help them become the happy high achievers they aspired to be.

When we heard Mary’s idea, as she articulated it, we could easily identify a rising star. Now, she had to deliver a winning query letter based on the strategies learned in our course.

Just a few months later, Dr. Mary did just that, and caught the attention of an agent, our very own Jackie Ashton, with her letter, unique background, and idea. The Happy High Achiever: 8 Things Ambitious People Do to Stress Less and Enjoy More—Without Losing Their Edge was born.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that Dr. Mary has landed a book deal with a new imprint at a major house, under the auspices of a stellar editor: Hannah Robinson at Grand Central Publishing Balance.

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Contrary to popular belief, constant rushing and stress do not have to be the price of achievement, nor are meditation apps, vacations, or superficial self-care the antidote. Instead, Dr. Anderson introduces and understands the invisible “thought traps” that propel a high achiever’s anxiety, ensnare them in an anxiety loop, and teaches us how to avoid them.

Congratulations, Dr. Mary, from all of us at Lucinda Literary. From Get Signed student, to signing with an agent, to getting a book deal, all within a matter of months, we cannot wait to see what happy high achievements are in store for you!

You can watch Mary’s publishing success story from the start, and learn the guidance Lucinda shared with her and nine other students in our Get Signed online course. By taking the course, you’ll receive permanent access to four recorded video modules, the opportunity to network with other writers in our Facebook community, plus myth-busting industry insights you won’t find anywhere else.

Follow Dr. Mary Anderson on LinkedInInstagram, and Facebook, and visit her website for more information.