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What I Noticed from Launching a Book

I’ve had a lot of fun this past month in launching my book Get Signed—and I’ve gained tremendous learning I want to share with you when it comes to releasing your book to the public.

Here are a few things that have stuck out to me:

1. Wow, is there so much lacking information out there about how to get published!

As I met with hundreds of writers at events this month, it validated why Get Signed was such a necessary book that came at a necessary time. From writers asking questions like how an agent works, to how much material does an agent need to see, to how to find comps or what the right word count for a query letter is, to how much an agent will ever read of your work, I’ve heard (and hopefully answered!) it all.

I’ve visited with Zibby Owens, Jane Friedman, the London Writer’s Salon, the Center for Fiction, Housing Works Cafe, and more to help provide solutions to the challenges aspiring authors experience.

My Livestream with Dorie Clark last week was another event that shared advice for writers—I recommend watching it. Dorie brings such great humor and energy to the room!

You might also enjoy this speed pitch, and watch how Mark Desvaux at The Bestseller Experiment surprised me with his (very good) pitch right there on our public podcast interview!

2. Your network is everything. I mean everything.

When you are connected to authors and influencers who are “bigger” or more well-known than you are, their vouching for you and your book creates more of an impact than imaginable. The win-win with your connections has to feel clear and reciprocal, and your outreach letter should never be generic, always personalized. I tell writers you have to write to at least one person who can support you every day—whether that’s before or while pitching your book to agents, or right after you’ve turned in your manuscript to your publisher.

I’ve been brought to tears by how my own authors have supported this project. I was their first champions… now they’re mine. These are forever relationships, thick and thin.

When my husband read me the following Amazon review of Get Signed, I nearly cried because it was everything I’d hoped to do with this book. Raphael writes in his Amazon review:

To me, navigating the agent query process has felt like traversing Dante’s purgatory. This book is like a bible, determining whether you’ll ascend to agent’s heaven or remain in unpublished hell.

Background: I am a physician writer specializing in novels/fiction, holding a doctorate in medicine, a master’s, and three additional advanced post-graduate degrees. I’m currently querying my sophomore novel (my first was hybrid). I began searching for agents approximately three months ago and have dedicated countless hours to navigating a process that feels like a blend of business, marketing, quantum physics, art, and ultimately, literature/fiction. It’s been brutal.

I stumbled upon this book accidentally while exploring Lucinda’s agency as an author (I have zero affiliation). Upon ordering, it arrived promptly. The book is concise and to the point. I finished it in less than 16 hours (with work interruptions; otherwise, it would have taken about 6 hours). It includes numerous exercises that I’ve mentally worked through and plan to thoroughly review during my second read.

Overall, it serves as an invaluable resource to understand (1) how the publishing business operates, (2) what is expected of authors (no fluff, very straightforward), and (3) dispel some of the myths that have made the querying process so daunting. As a bonus, the book teaches you how to make a good impression and craft a solid query, plus what happens after you sign. While the examples are mostly tailored towards non-fiction (I’m querying for fiction), approximately 30-40% are applicable to fiction, effectively painting a picture for both types of publications. As both a fiction writer and physician, I could relate to the situations presented. In fact, after reading this book, I’ve realized I won’t stop at literature but will also venture into non-fiction—that’s how good this book is!

Overall, I would give it 10+ stars if possible. I highly recommend it; even if I don’t secure an agent, I’ll forever understand why. Thanks Lucinda!

Check out what other writers are saying about Get Signed.

Write your own review and be part of our authors-supporting-authors community. EVERY Amazon review makes a difference. Tell me what your genre you’re writing in, where you are in the process, and how the book helped you.

3. Lucinda Literary’s submissions portal is blowing up with the best new talent we’ve seen in years.

So much so, that we’re having trouble keeping up with all the projects we’re excited about! It has been incredibly rewarding to see writers using the 6-step Get Signed method to lead with their strengths and present their material. You are getting our attention!

What’s next for me?

  • Vacation!
  • Sell projects!
  • Sign talent!
  • More events and podcast interviews! You can see my “tour” being updated in real-time here.
  • Continuing to share my learnings from out of writing and launching a book with other writers on social media like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Being available to answer questions through our Get Signed Book Club on Facebook.
  • Lead a Half Day Marketing Workshop for writers at the start of spring
  • Build my next course
  • Sell my next book…

Acting as both agent and author has been the greatest gift and game-changer for Lucinda Literary. It’s a dream that’s been over a decade in the making.

Thank you for helping me to realize my dream so that I can continue guiding you to realize your own.


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