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Upcoming Events at Lucinda Literary

As you welcome the first day of the fall season, you might be ready to turn over a new leaf and revitalize your writing process. There’s no better time than now to get “back to school” and educate yourself on what you most need to make your publishing dreams come true.

That’s why we’re so excited for Lucinda Literary’s upcoming events this autumn—from query letters to book proposals and in between, our team has lined up several opportunities to help you prepare for the season with your best submission possible.

Query Letter Workshop with Connor Eck

October 13th at 12:30pm ET

Did you know that agents receive an average of 1500 queries a month? That means agents are coming back from their summer vacations to a slew of submissions, so it’s crucial for you to ensure your letter will stand out amongst the rest.

Whether you’re writing fiction, nonfiction, or children’s books, Lucinda Literary agent Connor Eck is ready to help you develop a knockout query letter that is bound to capture an agent or publisher’s attention. Query Letter Workshop

This is your chance to get an agent’s expert eyes on your letter, along with his personalized feedback and suggestions on how you can significantly improve your draft. In addition to learning our winning submission strategies (and the deadly sins of querying!), you’ll also receive a bonus packet of sample queries that have won us, and publishers, over. This session is a great fit for writers of any genre looking to perfect their query letter and finally get response on their work.

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Book Package Workshop with Jackie Ashton

October 20th at 12:30pm ET

“Is my book proposal really ready? How do I know when it’s time to submit it to an agent or publisher? What have I missed?”

It can be hard to answer these questions on your own, especially when taking your one shot with presenting your work to an agent or publisher. That’s why consulting a seasoned expert can be so important in helping you determine when your proposal is ready for submission. Lucinda Literary agent Jackie Ashton is eager to guide you on perfecting your own book proposal in her newest workshop.

In this event, you’ll discover how you can avoid the top 5 mistakes writers make in their proposal submissions as well as learn what you uniquely need to include in your overall book package. She’ll also lend her custom recommendations on how you can best grow and present your platform for your work.

Come with your pen and paper in hand to take notes, as Jackie will be personally reviewing your proposal and platform materials live!

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What Agents Want: An Exclusive Mastermind with Ghostwriters

November 17th at 11:00 am ET

In this brand new workshop—the first of its kind at LL—join Lucinda and a number of trained ghostwriters to learn what it takes to succeed in today’s marketplace as an author, straight from the industry experts.

Diana Ventimiglia_headshotYou’ll gain access to exclusive takeaway sheets featuring a book proposal template with specific descriptions for writers to fill in, a comprehensive presentation curated by Lucinda, plus the opportunity to meet and ask questions of special guest Diana Ventimiglia, Senior Editor currently at Sounds True and formerly at Simon & Schuster.

This is a can’t-miss experience where you can connect with agents, book coaches, and publishers all in the same room!

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Are you ready to dive in? If so, don’t wait until the last hour to sign up for these events: seats go quickly, so grab your spot today before they are all sold out!

If you have questions about our events or want to know which one is right for you, send us an email here.