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Why We’re Grateful for 2021

2021 has been an incredible year of growth at Lucinda Literary. We’ve brought on new agents, we’ve diversified our list, we’ve launched so many new events and programs—and we’ve watched those in our community grow with us, too.

Gratitude begins at home. And so, we want to express gratitude for…


The team at Lucinda Literary is special—there’s no doubt about it. 

 Though we’ve added a few new members to our team this year, we’re an inherently small, intimate team, which means that we are able to dedicate more individual care and time to the projects we take on. We always have each other’s back in every conceivable way, and that is a motivating, inspiring, and magical thing. The collaboration and support we receive from one another as part of the LL culture is exactly what we give to our authors.


The unique transparency, professionalism, and personality we offer, and the dedication and care we bring to every project, has allowed us to build a network with deep connections to all sorts of people. Our authors are champions of one another, so when you sign with LL, there’s opportunity for endorsements and network expansion. LL has warm relationships with every major publishing house and carries a strong reputation. 

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But we’re not just here to help ‘select’ authors and speakers. We’re here to help every writer through our newsletters, programs, social media, and more. We truly strive to make the ever-mysterious publishing process clearer for anyone who’s looking to invest in their own book career.


We work HARD for our authors and we expect excellence from them, from each other, and from ourselves. Although our level of ambition is intense, it’s also a shared culture of warm and friendly ambition that allows us to constantly strive for more in a healthy and sustainable way. That’s a winning combination that is hard to come across in ANY industry. 

Best of all, we’re in it for the love and passion of the project: Whether it’s a potentially “big” new client or a “smaller,” lesser-known emerging author—the attention, energy and enthusiasm given to each project is the same, regardless of whether the author ends up becoming one of our most successful clients or not. We never give up and you can expect us to exhaust all resources until a book is sold. With our dedicated, hands-on editorial approach, the care we put into each project is unparalleled. 

We are a team of go-getters, which really makes the process of book development exciting for both the team and our authors. We can see your talents, and let them shine. This also makes programs like our consultations, workshops, and brand new membership exciting too.


There’s a certain kind of leadership in every corner at LL. Our work with thought leaders means we get to learn from some of the brightest minds even as we help them get published. Our agents here pave their own path with their client list and share their wisdom with one another. We are always looking for new avenues to grow and thus help our clients grow along the way. Our learning journey never ends, which is a necessary quality within the publishing industry, and we try to be as ever-evolving as our field.

Thank you, writers—we cannot wait to grow and learn with you in 2022.

Until we meet again!

The Team at Lucinda Literary