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Recent Deal: Roll Red Roll by Nancy Schwartzman

ROLL RED ROLL is an exposé based on the film of the same name from award-winning documentary film director, producer and media strategist Nancy Schwartzman, who uses storytelling and technology to highlight safer communities for women and girls.

Nancy’s first book will draw from the much-publicized, social media-fueled Steubenville, Ohio high school rape case in 2012. Eight years later, two critical questions about the case remain: Why didn’t anyone stop it? And what creates a culture where sexual violence is tacitly understood and condoned? ROLL RED ROLL explores both questions, shedding a new light on the prevalence of rape culture in America through the lens of one Midwestern town. It unpacks the factors that create communities which breed systemic disdain for women, normalize sexual assault, and sacrifice its daughters for the sake of protecting its sons. As Nancy sets out to prove in this book, what happened in Steubenville happens every day in America.

ROLL RED ROLL was sold to Mollie Weisenfield at Hachette Books for publication in March of 2021.

Follow Nancy on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.