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Recent Deal: The Book That Almost Rhymed by Omar Abed

THE BOOK THAT ALMOST RHYMED is Omar Abed’s debut picture book following one boy’s attempt to tell a story in rhyme despite repeated interruptions from his younger sister, who twists the story in new (and absurd!) directions. Although brother is annoyed at first, he learns to appreciate the responsibility of being a role model to a younger sibling who, in turn, learns a new skill of her own. This funny, rhyming story celebrates siblings, storytelling, and collaboration, showing how another person’s input can make a project (rhyme!) even better.

THE BOOK THAT ALMOST RHYMED was sold to Jessica Garrison at Dial Books by Connor Eck at Lucinda Literary. It will be illustrated by Hatem Aly, represented by James Burnes at The Bright Agency. Publication is planned for spring 2023.

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