In a recent newsletter, we talked about what makes for a big idea. Whether fiction or nonfiction, writers need to think really big when developing…
You’ve landed on a book idea. But how can you tell if your story will sell? When it comes to creating a big book idea,…
Lucinda Literary is hiring! Please find information on two brand new positions with our company below, flexible to meet your existing commitments and perfect for…
Here’s a question that is often asked in Lucinda’s recent podcast interviews: “What is Lucinda Literary working on right now? What’s a project that excites the…
Image courtesy of If you’ve downloaded our It Takes a Village™ Marketing Workshop On-Demand, you know that demonstrating an “audience” to agents and publishers…
Many of you are curious about ghostwriting: whether you’re a professional writer wondering about doing it yourself, or whether you’re a busy entrepreneur, considering engaging…
Today, we’re taking the opportunity to bring it back to basics. For those trying to break into traditional publishing, there is immense value in knowing…
As you query agents, many of you may be wondering: “at what point should I consider self-publishing?” Self-publishing has an historically mixed reputation, but for…
At Lucinda Literary, we’re ready to help you reach your book publishing goals, whatever stage you may be in. One surefire way to keep on…
We have an extremely special publishing success story to share with you today—that of Dr. Mary, as we came to affectionately call her, one of…
Three years ago, I met a writer who would change my life. I was on maternity leave at the time with my second daughter, bleary-eyed…
Recently, Lucinda spoke with a friend and client, Nora Zelevansky, who we represent for nonfiction writing collaborations and ghostwriting. Nora is the author of the…